Career Support | Paramedicine Online
Paramedicine Online provides information about paramedical courses to become a medic/Paramedic in Australia. Online training. Clinical workshops.
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Keen to start work in the pre-hospital emergency health care industry sooner?

Do you want to stand out from the rest of the pack when searching for jobs and starting a new career?

Having a qualification is one thing but what do you do with it? You don’t want to get to the end of your course only to find out it is just the beginning of another uphill battle in getting a job.

Well, this is where we step in…we’d like to help.

As soon as you become a student and start to study you will have access to your very own student portal. This is your school locker, so to speak, however, we will keep it organised for you. The course subjects are kept within this portal for you to access when required.

Here, you will be able to download learning material, communicate with your tutors and have your whole course in the one place so you won’t get lost or become overwhelmed.

During the course you also have access to paramedic clinical educators who each bring a wealth of experience with them. Imagine how powerful that kind of wisdom is for you for moving through your studies. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to talk with them along the way and even engage in live webinars and seminars.

As well as support from your clinical educators, you’ll have the peace of mind of being part of the private Facebook group. This is the place where you get to hang out with like-minded people, our past and present students are on there ready to answer any questions you have and help make you feel welcome. You simply post a question and sometimes within minutes you will have either an answer or direction on where the answer can be found.

We help you every step of the way. You follow the guidance of our expert clinical educators; put in the effort and you will be well on your way to your new career in the health care sector.

Post study support

Getting a job in the health care sector can be a daunting task, especially when you are new to it all. That is why there is also access to a series of eBooks and articles to make sure you have the best  possible chance at your new career.

Employment and career development is important to you and we understand that. Whilst, there are no guarantees of getting a job after completing any form of training – our experience within the sector is your gain. We’ll show you where the job boards are, we’ll show you how to navigate the maze of job providers and recognise a good opportunity when you see it.

There’s more to getting a job that just qualifications too. We all know that fitting into the existing culture of a workplace is one of the most challenging steps on your journey. Remember how it feels when you’re in a strange place, working with people who have been doing the job for years. There’s the personality types to deal with and you have to find your place in the organisation. This can be stressful if you don’t have the right mental tools to help you fit in from day one.

If you’d like to become a better communicator and develop more self-confidence, you’ve come to the right place.

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The skills you need to change lives.